Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What Do Your Color Choices Say About You?

Often what color we choose to wear can depend on what activity we are going to be involved in.  Are you going to the beach or are you going to work?  Depending on the work you do, darker colors may be more appropriate versus brighter colors.  Do you want to appear creative or conservative?  The color you wear makes you feel and project certain feelings and gives different impression to others.   Color choice is very much intertwined with psychology. 

Red is a great way to grab the attention of others.  It is visually strong and makes a psychological impact by telling people that you are strong, bold, and to beware.   Just like if you were to wear a red bikini you will certainly be noticed. 

Pink is nonaggressive compared to red.  Pink is warm and calming and soothing compared to red which just gets you stimulated.  Pink is equated with femininity, so when you see a man in pink, it makes him appear less aggressive and more gentle.  That explains why women find men who wear pink attractive! 

If you want to be sunny and cheery all day, then yellow is the color for you.  Yellow is a very optimistic color that stimulates the creative senses.  When you wear yellow you appear friendly and can uplift people's spirits at the same time.  However, too much yellow can be overpowering and it can backfire on you.  A little yellow color can go a long way, so go easy on it.  We don't want to have to wear sunglasses around you. 

Orange is a great way to jump start the party mood!  Put it on and people will think you are fun and enjoy having a good time.  If you are tired of wearing red, then orange is the next attention grabbing color to go to.  Orange can stimulate the senses and makes you look and feel ambitious.  If you want everyone to notice you at the beach then put on an orange bikini. 

Kings and queens wear purple, so if you feel like a princess then this is the color for you.  Purple is not only associated with royalty, but also with wealth, wisdom, and sophistication.  Again, don't overdo it because you will lose the effect.  Just like yellow, a little purple can go a long way. 

Blue is calming just like the blue water you see at the beach.  Depending on the hue of blue you wear, you can appear cold and cool in personality too.  However, in general blue will make you feel and project intelligence, calmness, and trustworthiness.  It is most people's favorite color! 

Nature is green, so when you wear green it makes you feel more at peace with Mother Nature.  If you look carefully, green is located right in the middle of the color spectrum and things in the center are balanced.  This explains the peacefulness you feel when you wear green. 

Every women has black in her wardrobe.  Black is amazing because it says so much and can do so much for you.  Black helps you look sophisticated, intelligent, authoritative and strong.  Black gives a strong message, but it can help us hide at the same time.  It makes you feel safe.  Just like any other color, it is not advisable to wear it completely from head to toe because that will send a different message.  Too much black makes you appear self-absorbed, so not a good idea. 

Grey is totally depressing, so let's not wear too much of that.  That is better kept for home on a day you plan to not see anyone or go anywhere. 

Color psychology is interesting and helps explain the way we feel when we put different colors on.  Of course, at the beach you can certainly mix and match your swimwear colors.  It's always a party at the beach!

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