Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What To Eat For Great Looking Skin

Part of being healthy includes having great looking skin.  To look absolutely radiant in your swimwear, you should exercise for good muscle tone and eat healthy foods to feel great and have great looking skin.  Nothing will show off your skin more than a bikini, so to help you have great looking skin we are going to highlight some key foods to include in your diet.  Skin regenerates approximately every 27 days, so if you start now, you can have better looking skin as quickly as a month from now.

Besides good cleansing practices, using good moisturizers and protecting your skin from sun damage, it is also important to supply your body proper nutrients to develop good skin.  One of the most important things you can do to prevent dry skin is to drink plenty of water.  If there is one thing you are going to do for great skin then make it this one.  Drink as much water as you can each day to help flush away all the needless things your body does not need.  The more water you drink the better your skin will look.  Drinking anything else in place of water is not the same. 

Besides drinking water, green tea is also a good beverage to start drinking.  Green tea is known for its high antioxidant content, but what makes it good for the skin is the polyphenols.  Polyphenols are the healthiest components of fruits and vegetables and they also give fruits and vegetables their bright colors.  The benefits of green tea include acne prevention, slowing the aging process and skin cancer prevention.  Now, the benefits may vary from individual to individual, but this is just a summary of how it may help the skin look great.  It may not hurt to try it, so why not? 

It has been said that if you eat bright colored fruits, it will help your skin.  This is why cantaloupes, berries, tomatoes, and plums will be great additions to your diet.  Not only will your body get vitamins, but it will also get antioxidants that will help improve your skin health.  Citrus fruits like grapefruits and oranges are packed with vitamin C and will help improve your skin complexion as well.  Make these fruits a part of your breakfast or snack. 

Sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, and spinach are great vegetable choices to include in your diet. If you do not like cantaloupes or tomatoes, then substitute with sweet potatoes.  Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, and spinach are rich in vitamin A.  Vitamin A is important in achieving healthy skin because it helps your skin cells regenerate faster.  You can have the fresh looking skin on the surface faster! 

Foods rich in omega 3 fats will help reduce inflammation which appears as redness on the skin sometimes.  Usually, this type of "good fat" is found in high levels in tuna, shellfish, salmon, and sardines.  If you do not like to eat fish, are concerned about contamination content or perhaps it is difficult to obtain, then flax seed is a perfect substitute. You can sprinkle flax seed in yogurt, eat it by itself and/or cook with flax seed oil.  If none of these options are appealing to you, then you can always eat some walnuts. 

The last few food items to include in your diet are whole wheat, lean red meat, eggs, and dairy products.  Wheat has selenium which helps your skin cells be more healthy and meat and eggs have good iron content.  You need iron to prevent dark circles under your eyes and from looking pale.  Dairy products are a good source of vitamin A, so include these as well as long as you are not lactose intolerant.   

Next time you plan your meals, try to include as many of these food items as you can in your diet .  If you already eat these foods regularly, then you are on the right track to healthier living.  Eating healthy will help you have great looking skin and a healthy glow to go along with it.  We want to help you be healthy and look stunning from head to toe every day and look fabulous in your bikini during your getaways.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What Do Your Color Choices Say About You?

Often what color we choose to wear can depend on what activity we are going to be involved in.  Are you going to the beach or are you going to work?  Depending on the work you do, darker colors may be more appropriate versus brighter colors.  Do you want to appear creative or conservative?  The color you wear makes you feel and project certain feelings and gives different impression to others.   Color choice is very much intertwined with psychology. 

Red is a great way to grab the attention of others.  It is visually strong and makes a psychological impact by telling people that you are strong, bold, and to beware.   Just like if you were to wear a red bikini you will certainly be noticed. 

Pink is nonaggressive compared to red.  Pink is warm and calming and soothing compared to red which just gets you stimulated.  Pink is equated with femininity, so when you see a man in pink, it makes him appear less aggressive and more gentle.  That explains why women find men who wear pink attractive! 

If you want to be sunny and cheery all day, then yellow is the color for you.  Yellow is a very optimistic color that stimulates the creative senses.  When you wear yellow you appear friendly and can uplift people's spirits at the same time.  However, too much yellow can be overpowering and it can backfire on you.  A little yellow color can go a long way, so go easy on it.  We don't want to have to wear sunglasses around you. 

Orange is a great way to jump start the party mood!  Put it on and people will think you are fun and enjoy having a good time.  If you are tired of wearing red, then orange is the next attention grabbing color to go to.  Orange can stimulate the senses and makes you look and feel ambitious.  If you want everyone to notice you at the beach then put on an orange bikini. 

Kings and queens wear purple, so if you feel like a princess then this is the color for you.  Purple is not only associated with royalty, but also with wealth, wisdom, and sophistication.  Again, don't overdo it because you will lose the effect.  Just like yellow, a little purple can go a long way. 

Blue is calming just like the blue water you see at the beach.  Depending on the hue of blue you wear, you can appear cold and cool in personality too.  However, in general blue will make you feel and project intelligence, calmness, and trustworthiness.  It is most people's favorite color! 

Nature is green, so when you wear green it makes you feel more at peace with Mother Nature.  If you look carefully, green is located right in the middle of the color spectrum and things in the center are balanced.  This explains the peacefulness you feel when you wear green. 

Every women has black in her wardrobe.  Black is amazing because it says so much and can do so much for you.  Black helps you look sophisticated, intelligent, authoritative and strong.  Black gives a strong message, but it can help us hide at the same time.  It makes you feel safe.  Just like any other color, it is not advisable to wear it completely from head to toe because that will send a different message.  Too much black makes you appear self-absorbed, so not a good idea. 

Grey is totally depressing, so let's not wear too much of that.  That is better kept for home on a day you plan to not see anyone or go anywhere. 

Color psychology is interesting and helps explain the way we feel when we put different colors on.  Of course, at the beach you can certainly mix and match your swimwear colors.  It's always a party at the beach!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Winter Getways

Not everyone lives in a warm and sunny place all year, but even if you do, it may still be nice to go away somewhere for just a few days to relax and rejuvenate.  Any beautiful place where there is a beach and sunshine is considered a perfect winter getaway.  Grab your bikini and let's check the possibilities!

Hawaii is always a great place to go just about anytime of the year.  It has a number of beautiful beaches and plenty of sunshine.  If you don't have a passport and want to fly domestic then this is a perfect place to go.  In case, you did not read all about it, there is a post on our blog "Aloha", that highlights the key features of Hawaii.  You may end up staying longer than you had intended once you get settled on the beach. 

For those who live on the East Coast, the Cayman Islands are a short flight away.  It is only an 80-minute direct flight from Miami!  This is only a hop and a skip away from the US mainland and will be perfect for a short winter getaway.  You can lay on the beach in your swimwear and snorkel with the green sea turtles all weekend long then head back to work on Monday.  The Cayman Islands have resorts that provide an all-in-one experience where you can dive, snorkel, kayak, and see birds while staying on the beachfront. 

The Greek Isles are always sunny and warm!  There are 227 islands and if you can't decide which one to visit then take an Aegean Sea cruise to see which island strikes you more.  Beautiful sunsets and beautiful beaches make this a great destination where you can lounge in your swimsuit for most of the day.

If you want a little more culture, then fly down to Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.  This is Brazil's first capital and if you go down there during Carnival which runs from February 7 to February 13, expect to see a cruising Afro-Brazilian dance party that stretches for miles along the city and the coast.  Here, you can enjoy the beach and a party at the same time!

The Dominican Republic, known as "DR" is right by Puerto Rico, also known as "PR".  The Dominican Republic is a small island in the Caribbean that has beautiful beaches, great people, and full of wonderful food and culture.  If you get hungry at night, try the little eatery that sells hot sandwiches 24 hours a day.  Be sure to bring a couple of bikinis because you are going to be spending a lot of time at the beach and in the water. 

If you would rather stay on the US mainland then Los Angeles and South Beach, Miami are always there for you.  A short drive will lead you to a beach and water and you can always depend on the weather for cooperation.  Hope this post will help you plan your next winter getaway.  A little sun and beach can do amazing things to you! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How To Get Great Looking Arms

I hear it so many times, "How does.....get those great looking arms?", or "Wow, did you see her arms? They are so toned!".  Having great arm tone does help you look that much more fabulous in swimwear.  It can elevate your "wow" factor a couple of notches higher.  Let's look at how great arm tone can be achieved.

According to Fitness magazine, sexy arms are very attainable.  They let people know right away that you are fit and fabulous.  There are 9 primary muscles in your upper arms and they all need firming in order for you to get the desired results.  You don't need to be on a diet, but you should consume the appropriate amount of calories each day to stay healthy and to meet or maintain your appropriate weight goal.  Too much sugar consumption will slow down fat loss because sugar blocks your fat-burning enzymes.  When you see candy and the package says fat-free, just remember this bit of trivia in the back of your brain. 

It is time to stop envying other women and be the object of envy yourself.  First, do you need to reduce arm fat?  A quick way to determine this is to get yourself in a push-up position, reach over with your left hand and grasp the back of your right upper arm midway between the top of your shoulder and elbow.  If you can grasp more than an inch of fat then it means you will need to take steps to melt the fat.  The good news is fat in this area is quick to melt.  Triangle push-ups are a great exercise to do to help reduce arm fat because they make your muscles work hard. 

Next, it is important to understand what muscles you are working on toning.  The biceps are only a third of your upper arm size.  It is the triceps that make up two-thirds of your arm size, so if you want to find a muscle to be upset with, it's this one.  Sculpting the biceps is trickier than sculpting triceps because of extra muscles involved.  To get good sculpting on your biceps you would have to grip your dumbbells 3 different ways -- palms up, palms down, and palms facing each other. 

All you need are the right moves and a set of 5 to 12 pound dumbbells, a sturdy bench or chair, and a handled resistance tube.  There are a total of 9 exercise moves that you can do to help you achieve fabulous arms.  It is recommended that these arm exercises be done 3 times a week or every other day to achieve desired arm tone.  Instead of listing and describing these great arm moves, the link below will take you right where you need to go.  A picture is worth a thousand words! Just visit:

It will take work and dedication to get fabulous arm tone, but we are confident you can do it.  When you hit the beach, let yourself be the object of envy. We want to help you look fabulous in your swimwear when you go on your winter or spring getaway!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Swimwear Fashion Past and Present

The swimwear fashion we see today is certainly not what your grandmother or great-grandmother wore in their youthful days.  It is probably a little less than what your mother had on too.  The swimwear trend has definitely gone from itty to bitty and then from teensy to weensy.  I thought it would be fun to step back in time and look at how swimwear has changed over time as a preview to "throwback Thursday".

Back in 1895, ladies were highly scandalous when seen in a bathing suit that exposed their arms and allowed their legs to be seen from just above the knees on down.  Next, during the Flapper era came a swimsuit that looked more like a mini dress of today.  In London, the swimwear fashion was ever changing and soon ladies were seen wearing swimsuits that bared their arms and allowed their legs to be seen from mid thigh on down.  The next great swimwear fashion trend modeled in London featured swimwear and beach costumes that showed off a woman's bare back.  Back then, the word "costume" was used to describe an outfit worn to the beach, not necessarily a bathing suit.  Finally, in 1946 the first modern-day 2-piece bikini, as we know it to be, debuted in Paris.  The French designer of this ground breaking bikini design had quite a difficult time finding a "respectable" model to display it for him.  He had to settle for a nude dancer from a Paris casino to model the bikini.  It took approximately 50 years for swimwear to evolve to the 2-piece variety. 

So as the 1950's rolled in, the 2-piece bikini got more elaborate featuring lace frills and prints.  The bikini bottoms at this time were still waist high, but as fashion swimwear started to head into the 1970's the bikini bottoms got less in material allowing more thigh and midsection exposure.  The string bikini came into existence around this decade as well and the bottoms got smaller and the tops showed more cleavage too. From there to the present time, swimwear has only gotten more teensy and more elaborate featuring hardware, lace, sexy prints, and more luxurious swimwear materials.  Single piece swimwear has also gotten more exciting with bigger cut outs allowing more skin exposure and are sexy in their own way. 

Fashion is always changing and it is fun to take a look back to see how it all started.  Fashion swimwear designers also like to look back in the past to see what can be borrowed and modernized for today.  We have so many more choices available in swimwear than we did in the past and nowadays there really is a swimsuit for everyone.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Seeing all the Christmas decorations out already at department stores, I could not help, but think of that famous Spanish Christmas song, "Feliz Navidad".  Thinking of that then led me to think about Mexico and the wonderful food, beaches, and hospitality found down there.  The best hotels are usually situated on the best beaches, so that is how I start planning a Mexican dream getaway.

Cancun is a wonderful place to visit and is located in southeastern Mexico.  Going to Cancun means you get to experience the pleasures of the Caribbean Sea.  Most of the hotels are located in the hotel zone, but you can still find a piece of heaven amongst all this craziness.  Staying in an exclusive hotel located in the more serene section of the hotel zone means you can enjoy the crystalline waters and pristine sand beaches in a more relaxing atmosphere.  Aside from laying on the beach all day, be sure to also indulge in the sensational food found in Cancun.  There are so many great places to try, you can easily eat somewhere different every night during your stay.  What makes food in this part of Mexico different is its mixture of European and Mexican flavors.  The food in this region of Mexico is not spicy and amazing to taste.  Since Cancun is by the sea, there is an abundance of restaurants featuring fresh fish and seafood on the menu.  Fine dining and relaxing days on the beach in Cancun are enough to make your vacation feel like a stay in paradise.

All the way on the western side of Mexico is Cabo San Lucas.  I cannot write about Mexico without including this beautiful section of the Baja Peninsula.  Cabo San Lucas is smaller in size than Cancun.  Cabo San Lucas does not have the population size nor the city-like atmosphere that you would find in Cancun.  A number of Mexico's top 10 luxury hotels are located in Cabo San Lucas and with good reason.  It does feel very Americanized, but  the soft gentle breezes, warm stretches of sand and the warm azure water that is perfect for snorkeling and swimming make it a minor detail.  Sunset walks along the beaches and beautiful scenery make Cabo San Lucas a fabulous Mexican vacation spot.  The El Arco de Cabo San Lucas is such a distinctive rock formation, be sure to include it on your itinerary so you can get an up close view of it.  A trip to Cabo San Lucas will me memorable for many reasons.

There are other great places to visit in Mexico, such as Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, and Tulum.  Cancun and Cabo San Lucas are probably the most popular destinations for travelers and for good reason.  These two resort areas are so different from each other that it is definitely worth visiting both so you can compare.  It's good to know that a day in paradise is not really that far away, so grab your bikini and fly on out. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Accessory Trends For Fall and Beyond

We are right in the midst of autumn, with winter on the horizon.  Once Thanksgiving comes, everyone will be in full Christmas mode and soon everyone will be looking into spring after the holidays.  Let's look at what accessories we can pick up along the way that will not only add to our fall wardrobe, but take us into spring as well.  Some of these hair pieces will go along great with swimwear too!

Hair braids were a popular hairstyle worn by runway models as they debuted designer collections.  Others wore hair that varied from chic and neat to loosely put together, but what these different hairstyles had in common was they often adorned a trendy hairpiece.  Beautiful floral prints on clothing has inspired the creation of flower hair accessories. You can wear a hippie flower hairband, flower hair barrettes or flower pins.  Leather hair accessories were another popular sighting on the runway.  Flowers add an element of femininity, whereas leather adds a touch of strength and modern-day toughness to your look.  Leather embellished headbands, leather ties for braided hairstyles, and leather bands for super low ponytails were seen on runway models during fashion week.  Gold was another popular accent seen on the runway that just gives you an extra touch of luxury. Gold accented hair accessories are seen on hair clips, headbands, and barrettes.  Any of these gold accented hair accessories can be added to a sleek hairstyle.  For a more loosely worn hairstyle, you can add gold flecks to add a touch of decadence to that vintage look.  For a more youthful yet luxurious look, a jeweled headband featuring gems and ornaments is another option.  For those minimalist days, even a black headband can be a great add on for that modern look and will go well with most anything.  These latest hair accessory trends can be worn from now through spring.  Finding the right hair accessory can make you shine that much brighter on the street and on the beach.

Chokers have been popular for fall, but it may not be something that you can wear into spring.  Don't worry, there is still plenty of time to add this accessory to your wardrobe and get a lot of use from it.  Chokers can range from the indulgent to the classic.  Chain chokers can be worn casually or elegantly.  It is a versatile accessory that suits various styles.  The punk style choker with spikes and plenty of other hardware is for the more daring woman.  This style of choker tends to make an extra loud statement and can be mixed up with either a sexy or soft outfit.  The choker is not limited to drawing attention to just your neck because if you select a choker featuring a long center strip it will serve more as body jewelry.  Experiment with different chokers and see what works best for you.  Again, the versatility of the choker allows you to mix it up, so you should expect to get a lot of use from this one accessory. 

As we are busy shopping and adding clothing and shoes to our wardrobes, we must not forget the little extras like accessories that can add an extra punch to our look during the current and upcoming seasons.  If you have never tried a hair or neck accessory, I encourage you to do so.  You might be surprised how good it looks on you and it is another way to expand your fashion horizons.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


We have to explore my home state of Hawaii.  It is one of the most fabulous places on earth and it would not be right to wait any longer before making it a blog topic.  Hawaii is one of those few places that invokes all your senses.  The exotic and tropical fragrances of gardenia to tuberose blossoms are intoxicating and bring back the memories of tropical Hawaiian beaches. 

One of my most favorite beaches in the world is Lanikai Beach, located on the windward coast of Oahu.  Lanikai Beach is only 0.5 miles long, but it is consistently ranked among the best beaches in the world.  Unlike most beaches, this one is relatively secluded and in its most natural state.  There are no public parking lots, no lifeguards nor public facilities on site.  Weekdays are great times to visit Lanikai Beach because the weekends can get crowded, especially during peak tourist seasons.  Lanikai Beach is a popular location for photo shoots and on nice days you might spot a renowned model in her bikini working with a photographer on the beach.  If you want to see the most beautiful moonrise, make sure to stay long enough on the nights when a full moon is expected.  You will not be disappointed!

How can I talk about Hawaii and not talk about the amazing food?  You can eat in some of the finest restaurants in Waikiki or you may choose to eat more like a local in the smaller neighborhoods.  Whichever route you choose, you should try each food option at least once for a complete culinary experience in Hawaii.  La Mer, Alan Wong's, Chef Mavro, Michel's, and Roy's are just some of the best restaurants in Hawaii where you can experience exceptional Hawaiian cuisine.  The chefs at these restaurants are innovative and plate the best ingredients found on local Hawaiian farms and the sea.  Not only is the Hawaiian cuisine brilliant, but the service is phenomenal as well.  Dining in Hawaii will certainly end up being a highlight of your Hawaiian vacation.   

Lastly, what is absolutely amazing about Hawaii is the weather.  It is consistent and there are very minor changes in temperature throughout the year.  This means anytime is a great time to visit Hawaii.  The great thing about Hawaii is rain will never ruin your travel plans.  Even when it is raining in Hawaii, it is still beautiful, warm, and seems kind of sexy.  You can always drive around and find a sunny spot if you choose to avoid getting wet. 

Hawaii is a naturally beautiful place and I always wish I had more time to visit.  Hawaii is a place you can visit many times over and discover something new each time and also a place to revisit favorite spots as well.  There is never enough time to enjoy Hawaii.